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Default The union, according to Dinh Van - >>   Show Printable Version  Show Printable Version   Email this Page  Email this Page   03-15-2016, 11:56 PM

The world of fashion is full of anecdotes and random events that, without really looking for it, have led to those who now are the most representative icons of the major firms (just plunge into our Modapedia to discover history and give a good account of it). For example, a button, or rather a pair of handcuffs, they hugging each other to give symbolism, "wives intertwined evoke the union of two loved ones," explains the legend that accompanies the pieces on their website, the ring Menottes collection in pink gold with diamonds Dinh Van. A stunning piece for the quality of its materials and craftsmanship implicit in its manufacturing process, and the perfect time to be worn anytime.

The concept of Menottes was born back in 1976 when Jean Dinh Van, the creator of the Parisian firm, was trying to shape a jewel practical, simple and easy to carry with which form a key, hence came the idea of ​​using handcuffs hard to grasp, and not lose your keys again. The concept was so groundbreaking at the time that everyone echoed and have become one of the most renowned jewelry items. In fact, when in 2000 the firm decides to use cotton cords huggers gold and silver charms to create a adjustable bracelets, they were accused of sacrilege by industry peers. As happened with the key ring, bracelets became an absolute hit with audiences of all ages demonstrating a free and visionary spirit.

Also spirals, rings that make customizable thank you can intertwine and merge, are a hallmark of the firm born in 1972 near Paris, when a young Jean-which initially wanted to be a sailor is influenced by his father artisan lacquerer, who discovers the world of crafts, in his own words: "I touched the metal and a passion was born ... I like gold." After training with Cartier, the creator embarks on his own adventure in a small workshop Gaillon Square, a few meters from the fervent Place Vendome. His first success was the geometric rings with two pearls, one white and one black, created for Pierre Cardin in 1967. Today the company is present in almost all over the globe and its concept of rebel jewelry starring publishers of major fashion capitals.


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