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Default Re: Windows 7 Tips And Tricks - >>   Show Printable Version  Show Printable Version   Email this Page  Email this Page   04-01-2012, 08:10 PM

Speed ​​up Windows 7 Simple Ways

speed up windows 7? How to speed up Windows 7? That question often raised by early users of Windows 7 operating system. But my question of whether Windows 7 is not quite fast with at least 2GB of memory and the processor core 2 duo? It seems we are never satisfied with the speed of the computer. There are many ways to add speed windows 7, there is via regedit settings, through the startup settings, gpedit settings and others. In this article I will try to give you 3 simple steps to speed up Windows 7 specifically for the beginner class to learn the computer.
NOTE: if you are a beginner in tinkering with regedit, regedit backup first before you do the following test.
How to backup regedit;

A. Click [Start] then type [regedit] in the search box
2. From the windows registry click [Computer] are usually the top
3. After that click on [File] and select [Export]
4. In the new window give a name and save your regedit backup in place that you will remember.
5. Click [Save] and close the regedit window.

Speed ​​up booting Windows 7

A. Click [Start] then type [msconfig] in the Search box and press [Enter]
2. Select it and click the [Boot]
3. Click the [Advanced Options ...]
4. In the window [Boot Advance options] check on [Number of proccessors]
and select 2 or 4 of dropdowsn menu (but you can only choose it if you use a dual-core processor or quad-core).

Speed ​​up Taskbar Thumbnail Preview

A. Click [Start] then type [regedit] in the search box.
2. Once the window is open regedit, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse
3. Double-click on [MouseHoverTime] and change the value to 100 or smaller
4. Click [Ok], then close the regedit window.
5. Now, thumbnail previews will appear more quickly.

Shutdown speed up Windows 7

A. Please open the registry editor by typing [regedit] in the search box and press [Enter]
2. Entered into; [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl]
3. Double click on the words [WaitToKillServiceTimeOut]
4. The default value is usually the equivalent of 12 000 to 12 seconds. Change the value the be between 5000-7000. Do not be too small because it can mean coercion.

Good luck