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Default Re: God, a provable reality or a mere fiction? - >>   Show Printable Version  Show Printable Version   Email this Page  Email this Page   01-05-2018, 09:15 AM

73) Certainly they have rejected the advised way of life by Allah by covering up the truth in their scripture from Allah by their make beliefs and useless rituals who proclaim, Allah has bestowed one third of His authority on each of the three pillars of power despite the fact that there is no ruler in this universe other than the only sovereign, Allah. Unless they stop proclaiming this division of sovereignty, painful suffering will befall them and keep them in its grip those who oppose rule based upon guidance of Allah.

What is this trinity the Quran is talking about? It is power triangle ie rule by kings, priests and moneylenders. This verse is not about people claiming Jesus is God but how they arrived at that claim. It is because they pushed out deen of Allah from their community by way of power division between some groups eg the ruling classes, the priestly classes and the money lender elite. Firown (the chief of all the rulers in the Kingdom of Egypt), Haman (the chief of all the priests in the Kingdom of Egypt) and Qaroon (the chief of all the wealthy people in the Kingdom of Egypt). They all worked together and drove authority from an imaginary God in the heavens ie not the God who sent his messengers to mankind to teach them the way to live their lives properly. They made fools of masses and used and abused them that way by using name of God and invented concepts of religion that suited them and they promoted that and they continue promoting that even to date. The power division between church and state is not a newly created idea but a very old one. If we read the story of Noah in the Quran, he had to argue against his tribal chiefs and their priests and wealthy people because they all worked together in fooling their masses. Once DEEN of Allah is pushed out then a concept of God and religion is brought in to divide society and power is taken away from masses. Kings gave importance to priests and moneylenders and they each in turn gave importance to rulers through each other and masses simply followed them blindly. Even today all people look to these three groups of people when they need or want anything. The Quran continuously attacks this division of power because it is used to abuse masses, which led to many wars between groups and mass murders of humanity. This is what kept mankind away from unity, peace, progress and prosperity throughout human history. The Quran tells us that if mankind do not change their this mindset, attitude and behaviour then their painful suffering will never end for as long as this way of life is continued by them. It is because Allah does not change the state of existence of people but guides people to how to do it for themselves. The Quranic way of life must be understood properly and followed properly if people truly want peace, progress and prosperity.

The division of power regardless by whatever name is not beneficial for humanity be it in the name of church and state or religion and state or secularism and religion or democracy etc etc. All people are actually one people and they must unite on basis of solid grounds as explained by the Quran so that humanity could have peace and make progress and be prosperous and thus reflects glory of way of life advised by its one true God, Allah. The Quran is not interested in debating each and every make belief and ritual invented by people because it debates the main points that are found common throughout the world among people. So the trinity the Christians talk about is of no importance to Allah ie God the father, God the son and God the holy ghost/spirit etc. It is because even the Christians cannot explain to anyone what all this means. Likewise sin and forgiveness or atonement through some sort sacrifice or intervention and intercession etc as taken by people means nothing at all in the Quranic context. How can sacrifice of a black goat to Allah do any good for anyone unless it means to feed the hungry people? Sacrifice in the name of Allah in the Quranic context simply means doing something useful for mankind. That count as doing something for the well being of humanity in the name of Allah. Abraham sacrificed both his sons to Allah ie he dedicated them both to service of mission of Allah to help mankind live good lives. Mullahs of Jews, Christians and Muslims are fighting over who was sacrificed and where etc etc. All such stupidity has no place in the Quranic context. However, people will come to see their mistakes when they will educate themselves a bit. So far not many people are bothered with learning sense that is why they do not study their scriptures for their proper understanding but just for trying to prove their make beliefs and useless rituals to each other. Such discussions and debates are never ending ones ie they cannot reach any concrete conclusions the way they carry on and on.

74) So despite being in painful suffering as explained will they still not turn to rule based upon guidance of Allah and consult His revelation for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence, for Allah protects mankind only and only through his blissful, dignifying and life securing program?

Again and again Allah is telling people that religion is a false concept invented by mullahs and attributed to Allah and don’t waste life by following such make beliefs and carrying out useless rituals or you will live to regret it.

75) The saviour appointed for securing blissful and dignified existence for community of Mariam was no more than an ordinary human being sent as a messenger by Us, many messengers human beings like him have already passed away before him. His community was faithfully consistent with Our mission. He and his proper following both participated in furthering Our mission. See how Our revelations make things clear for mankind to know the truth yet see how they ignore and move away from the truth?

76) Ask them, will you people rather be subjects of such a ruler other than Allah who can neither save you from harm nor benefit you whereas Allah is He in whose awareness is all that can harm or benefit mankind so He makes it obvious for mankind to help them safe themselves from harms and destructions and to do things that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence?

77) Say, O people of the book! Attribute nothing to your advised way of life in your scriptures from Us without proof and yield not to make beliefs and rituals of those who went astray before you due to their attributing of make beliefs and useless rituals to their scriptures from us, they misled many because they strayed themselves from the way of life that was proper.

78) Condemned were to painful suffering by themselves those who covered up the truth in the scriptures from us due to their attributing of their make beliefs and useless ritual to Our scriptures from among the children of Israel according to David and Jesus the guardian of community of Mariam because they opposed Our advised program, constitution and law and worked against all this constantly and persistently.

79) It is because they will stop not each other from inflicting harm and destruction upon each other because harmful and destructive indeed were their thoughts and actions against each other.

Again and again Allah is making clear why humanity is going through terrible painful suffering ie because it is not living the way it is told to live and instead lives the way it wants. What is wrong with that? The advised way of life in the scriptures is that people should live for well being of each other as a proper human community but people keep falling for personal gains based way of life and the results are made obvious to them for doing this. Switching between two very opposite way of life is not without its consequences but humanity has yet to realise this fact. It depends on what sort of environment people create for themselves as societies of friendly nature or of rivalry so they cannot remain isolated from its benefits or harms. Also once a majority of people adopt a way of life since all begin to live like that so no one condemns anyone if they see each other as doing nothing wrong. If everyone is living by law of jungle then it becomes a norm so no one tells anyone to not live by law jungle because all are living by it. This is why some external source has to intervene or someone from with has to rise to change what is going on. Change from a well being based environment takes place gradually as odd out of character incidents increase but change from a debased environment takes a bloody revolution and that does not happen till such an environment heats up so much with hatred that almost all become fed up within and long for the change. If someone rises up at that moment and hits the iron when it is hot, things can happen all of a sudden. Education based revolution can also take place but it is very demanding and if one is not up to scratch then can take centuries. It is because to educate generations of mankind is not an easy task at all and how messengers of Allah managed their missions can only act as exemplary incidents in human history. So if people want to change their world for the better then there are only three ways possible. Bloody revolutions, education based revolutions and a bit of both. Which comes into play depends upon who is bringing the revolutionary change and for what purpose.

80) And as you can see yourselves for living their lives most of them are still supporting the ideas of those who oppose installation of Our program, constitution and law. Therefore harmful indeed is that which they themselves are thinking and doing for their own future and their generations to come because they have strayed far away from the guidance of Allah so in painful suffering they are going to live all their lives unless they turn to guidance of Allah properly and reform accordingly.

81) Had the people from among those who claim to be properly guided (the Jews) and those who claim to be supporters of Our advised way of life (the Christians) who claim to have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind truly committed themselves to working for peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the program, constitution and law of Allah along with this messenger according to that which was revealed to him, they will not have taken as their well wishers those from among Jews and Christians who oppose installation of rule based upon Our guidance but most of them are those who deliberately want to cause fractures in human community and keep it that way as opposed to furthering Our mission.

82) You will find that extreme in enmity to those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind are most of those from among mankind who claim to be rightly guided (ie Jews) as well as those who have adopted a way of life other than the one advised by Allah but nearest in affection to those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind are some of those who claim to be supporters of advised way of life by Allah (ie Christians). That is because among them there are some people who are wise and thoughtful who live for each other as a proper community and discourage way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other that leads to power struggle and competition for domination by undermining each other.

Word QISSISEEN is from root QAAF, SEEN and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is an explorer or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also a researcher or discoverer or voyager or globetrotter or rover or tourer or surveyor or scout or adventurer or pioneer or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an inspector or investigator or examiner or a chart or map or graph or diagram or table maker or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an expert or highly learned or trained person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, wise or rationally consistent people or thinkers at a higher level than general public or highly intelligent people or the alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, seasoned camel drivers or people highly experienced in their fields of knowledge or the alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, priest or rabbi or mullah or guru or teacher or guide or instructor or trainer or director or pointer or doctor of law or constitutional expert or legal expert or lawmaker or law interpreter or scribe or scripture interpreter or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, uncultivated or unprepared or derelict land or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, uncultured or uncivilised or uneducated or ill mannered or illiterate or ignorant person or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a person who lacks wider life experience or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, proclamation or declaration or announcement or reading or recitation or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mischievous or troublemaker or someone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, trickster or deceiver or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, conman or con artist or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, sharpness or intelligence or cleverness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, firmness or solidness or toughness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, flexibility or infirmness or shakiness or instability or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, cut or break or separation or disconnection or isolation or loneliness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something buried or hidden or mysterious or confidential or undercover or unpublished or classified or untold or undisclosed or unknown or unrevealed or invisible or unnoticed or concealed or underground or inconspicuous or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something private or solitary or arcane or sheltered or conspiratorial or stealthy or surreptitious or covert or cryptic or abstruse or clandestine or restricted or limited or secluded or undisturbed or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, structure or building or institution or constitution or rule of law or custom or tradition or code of conduct or chamber or room or container or coffin or tomb or grave or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or break or shatter or into pieces, to fragment, to divide, to be deceptive or cunning or tricky, to be painful or worrisome, to be fixed in place or position yet be flexible, to be brittle, to cut off links or break off ties or severe relationships, to boycott, to place a wedge or wall in between, to partition, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire, to get or have or gain or use anything at all illegally or unlawfully or illegitimately, to have or use or do anything which is considered against the law or prohibited or forbidden or banned or impermissible or unacceptable or taboo or immoral or criminal or unauthorised or unlicensed or unsanctioned or felonious or harmful or damaging or destructive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eradicate, to scrape or scrape off, to peel or peel off, to take off the cover or skin of something, to uproot, to destroy completely or annihilate, to take out completely or pull out from the root, to erase or delete, to take out or dismantle something bit by bit, to copy or mimic or imitate or follow, to be image of, to be copy of original, to jump all over the place, to jump in joy, to jump from place to place or idea to idea, to hang or hold or catch or hook or latch or connect onto, to hang down from, to hang till death, to form a network of people or things, to joint or connect people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to read or recite or declare or proclaim or announce, to be agile, to be troublesome or mischievous, to cause difficulties or problems or embarrassment, to be energetic or active or lively, to be flexible, to go where no man has gone before, to travel unknown lands or unchartered waters, to go new places, to do new things which no one has done before, to explore new avenues, to find new challenges or frontiers, to draw new diagrams or guiding maps or plans, to search out new things or investigate new possibilities, to figure out new possibilities, to discover new challenges, to scheme or plan, to illustrate, to demonstrate new skills, to be an experienced or skilled or fully trained person, to draw a blueprint, to search for something in the dark, to go after, to enquire, to listen in, to ewes drop, to spy on, to keep an eye upon, to guard, to look after, to take care of, to handle or manage, monkey or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, teeth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Even though all people who live by way of life other than the one advised by Allah are same yet the Quran talks about various groups separately because some still have some message of Allah with them but others do not. So people of the book are mentioned separately because they have had a book from Allah yet they adopted same way of life as the pagans and other ignorant people who have lost their scriptures they received from Allah generations before. Jews and Christians are target in the Quran because they were most recent recipient of divine guidance and were supposed to be living the way they were told but instead most of them adopted the pagan way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. The case of Muslims today is not any different. They have the message of the Quran but have no idea what the actual message is because they do not study the Quran as it ought to be studied for knowing what to think, say and do and why etc etc. All blind followers of rulers, mullahs and money lenders are exactly the same, it matter little what they call themselves to try to look a different people. It is because you either live the way you are advised by Allah or you do not. There is no in between.

83) The reason they love and support people who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind on the basis of the Quran is that when they hear that which is revealed to this messenger, you can see their eyes filled with tears of realisation and concern because they recognize the truth. They say, our Creator and Sustainer! We commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind therefore join us with those who bear witness before people for manifesting glory of Your program, constitution and law to see and follow.

84) After hearing this message of the Quran for themselves and understanding it properly they say to themselves and each other, what reason do we have not to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to this program, constitution and law of Allah when the truth and purpose of this revelation has been made clear to us? Why should we not hope that our Creator and Sustainer accepts our joining with those who are already working for the well being of each other as a proper human community according to His set out plan?

85) For declaring their commitment to His mission, Allah will reward them with blissful and dignified kingdoms for their secure existence in which things of need and desire will flow like rivers and they will live in that state for as long as they will live according to His advised way of life. Such is the outcome for those who do what makes the world beautiful for humanity.

86) On the contrary, for those who reject and oppose Our set goals and provided guidelines, they are those who will land in life of painful suffering and remain in there unless they turn to Our guidance and reform accordingly.

87) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Do not transgress Our set limits by declaring unlawful for having and doing that which is declared lawful for the well being of the mankind by Allah, surely Allah supports not those who transgress His set limits.

This verse states that it is not right for a people to say having or doing this or that is unlawful or lawful unless it is clear that to have or do something is harmful or beneficial for the porper human community. The Quran gives people a rule for legislation in this and other verses. Have and do what is beneficial for the community the way it benefits it and don’t have or do anything that harms community the way if harms it. The idea given is, do what is right the right way and don’t do anything that is not right for the community the way it is harmful. This has been explained already elsewhere in detail. The breach of agreement with God is a very serious matter for which we saw children of Israel being condemned repeatedly by God, the very same stands for all people who misinterpret and misrepresent divine message, by their words or their deeds.

88) So participate in all that is beneficial therefore lawful for you the community which Allah has provided, that is how you should be consistent with the program, constitution and law of Allah according to which you claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

89) Allah does not leave you free to do as you please concerning your constitutional and legal contracts and agreements but holds you fully responsible and liable for your legally binding contracts between yourselves as regard faithful fulfilment of contracts so that by arrangement such as this you the management and the community cover all the needs and wants of your properly organised and regulated human community under its jurisdiction just like you feed your own families on average or clothe them or that you should ensure freedom for community from all kinds of ills and lacks of things. So any of you people who do not know how to serve the community by being part of the community administration should join a training program comprised of three separate periods that are sufficient for this purpose. That should enable you to understand Our set goals and provided guidelines and to interpret your circumstances and situations to add your amendments to the constitutional and legal framework properly when you take the oath for joining the administration after training and will protect your constitutional and legal agreements against misuse and abuse. That is how Allah makes clear to you His goals and guidelines so that you become a people who use His provisions properly.

These verses are of vital importance because they deal with fundamental issues relating setting up and running a proper human community. The main point is that all need to educate and train themselves to gain the knowledge and the skills needed for this purpose. Once people have the needed education and training as well as skills then first thing they are told is, do all things on basis of proper consultation and agreement between people as a united community and the basis for agreement are set goals and provided guidelines in the Quran. The next thing is to have proper sense of ground realities that face community and its individuals ie situations and circumstances to decide implications and applications of constitution and law. All this information should be sufficient to enable people to formulate a constitution and legislate a set of laws for all possible situations and circumstances. The constitution and law must be constantly reviewed and amended or updated at intervals or as and when need arises to ensure the community is running smoothly without unnecessary interruptions. No objective can be added as a part of the constitution that opposes any set Quranic goals. Likewise no law can be legislated that contradicts goals and guidelines provided in the Quran. The rest of detail is given in the surah before this about processes and mechanisms as well as systems, structures, procedures and practices etc. It must be noted that constitution once it has been fully agreed will become supreme and all things will have to be done according to the law once it is in place by all eg administrations, communities, individuals and groups or teams and all the community institutions. The right of interpretation of constitution and law will remain with community as a whole as an overall authority on the basis of mutual consultation. Individuals will be free to offer their interpretations but only that interpretation will be accepted that is in accordance with set goals and given guidelines and meets the ground realities that face the community to deal with. As for mullahs interpretation that Allah will not hold you responsible for your idle talk, it is wrong because if Allah did not hold people responsible for their idle talk then what was the point of giving people the law? It is absolutely necessary that people who are set goals and guidelines they do not waste their time in thinking useless thoughts doing useless things. They must spend their time thinking to learn sense and in doing things that benefit mankind and themselves. This surah as one can see is not named AL-MAAIAH just for sake of it but for things it discusses about setting up of the proper human community, its organisation and its regulation and day to day running. This is last surah in the Quran of this nature. The coming suras are all about objectives and their fulfilments and then some historical events are told in surahs after them to draw attention of people to what they did and how they ended up. Then come surahs that contain arguments and draw our attention to evidences as to why the Quran is word of Allah and could not have been produced by mankind. This work does not go into as much detail as the text of the Quran demands but hope is that once people educate themselves about the Quran properly then much better works on the Quran will become available in due course. This work is just to draw the attention of highly educated people in the world yet to come to give them a start because almost all interpretations of the Quran that exist in the English language are religion based and they misrepresent the message of the Quran by masking the actual message of the Quran.

90) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Surely working for personal power and working for personal wealth as well as working for personal fame to become idols to be worshipped by others and working for withholding things of need from people are all harmful and destructive things to do and act of the opponent of rule based upon guidance of Allah therefore stay away from working for suchlike goals so that you could unite and have peace between yourselves to make progress so that you could prosper as a proper human community.

Word RIJS is from root RAA, JEEM and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is ocean or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also thunder or thunderclap or thunderbolt or rumble or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, roar or yell or cry or shriek or screech or clamour or bellow or howl or hoot or shout or loud noise or scream or outcry or uproar or hue and cry or commotion or loud call or wail or loud sound or noise or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, disturbance or tumult or earthquake or riot or brawl or scuffle or altercation or quarrel or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, dirt or grime or dust or soot or smut or mud or filth or vice or mire or sludge or slime or scum or pollution or waste or gunge or rubbish or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, scandal or malicious gossip or tittle-tattle or rumours or backbiting or false accusations or smearing campaign or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, impropriety or misconduct or wrongdoing or offence or transgression or crime or outrageous conduct or unethical or immoral or shameful or disgraceful or scandalous behaviour or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, infamy or libel or defamation or stigma or injustice or unfairness or insult or affront or disrepute or disgrace or embarrassment or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, poop or excrement or excreta or droppings or faeces or dung or manure or ordure or muck or mess or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, earth or soil or clay or silt or sod or loam or turf or lawn or sward or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, horse racing courses or tracks or racing or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, punishment or discipline or correction or retribution or penance or sentence or reward or medicine or remedy or cure or vengeance or justice or judgement or sanction or requital or price or beating or thrashing or thumping or pounding or hammering or penalty or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, abomination or atrocity or horror or obscenity pr curse or torment or monstrosity or violation or detestation or loathing or hatred or aversion or abhorrence or disgust or hostility or disdain or contempt or distaste or dislike or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, disorderly conduct or badness or delinquency or misdeed or mischief or misdemeanour or rudeness or ill mannerism or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, doubt or uncertainty or indecision or unease or hesitation or diffidence or insecurity or inhibition or apprehension or scepticism or distrust or mistrust or suspicion or cynicism or disbelief or incredibility or unbelief or wariness or irresolution or confusion or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the roar of camels or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, affliction or suffering or distress or pain or trouble or misery or hardship or misfortune or adversity or sorrow or tribulation or ordeal or calamity or disaster or death and destruction or catastrophe or devastation or torment or trial or menace or scourge or ailment or illness or sickness or weakness or indisposition or visitation or plague or poverty or disease or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, noise made by forcefully flowing flood water or noise made by passing troops along with their military equipment and band or noise made by moving buildings at the time of earthquake or noise made by sea or sound made by random mixed noises or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, glue or adhesive or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, unsuitable or damaging or dangerous talk or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a stone thrown in a dark well to see how deep it is or doing something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, narrow mindedness or restricting thought process or restriction of chest that makes breathing very difficult or difficulty in breathing or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, people who say one thing and do another in order to fool people to get what they want by such like tricks in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, obstacles placed in the way of proper way of life to prevent its practice from becoming a reality or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, chief or president or ruler or king or emperor or director or pointer or guide or instructor or teacher or trainer or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ruling elite or top part or section of something or management or administration or government or regime or governing body or central nervous system or control unit or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, brain or mind or being or heart or essence or intelligence or cleverness or sharpness or trickiness or cunningness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bite or cut or incision or injury or wound or scratch or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, trim or clip or crop or shear or prune or shave or mow or sever or amputate or cull or pierce or slash or notch or nick or gash or bore or drill or slit or crack or break or rent or tear or score or rip or hack or split or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that can act as base or foundation or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something vital or of pivotal importance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something long or durable or permanent or lasing or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something beautiful or properly balanced or appropriately proportioned or symmetrical or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something tall or high or graceful or honourable or respectable or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something that stands tall among others or someone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something that can carry weight or shoulder the burden or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something reliable or trustable or dependable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rope or string or thread or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, beast of burden or mule or horse or elephant or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire, to understand or comprehend or grasp or come to grips with, to have in mind or perceive or visualise or imagine or have in sight or view, to be clever or sharp or cunning or deceptive or intelligent or brainy, to be mindful or caring or considerate or compassionate or kind, to look or see or observe or view or examine or cross examine or analyse or scrutinise, to encompass or surround or envelop or cover from all sides or overcome or undermine or overpower or overwhelm or triumph over, to have a view point or an opinion or judgement or decision or dream or ambition or wish, to discuss or debate or explain or detail or justify or argue, to give a talk or deliver a lecture or make a speech, to slander or backbite or accused falsely or spread false rumours about, to be trustable or reliable or dependable, to be beautiful or well proportioned or well balanced or symmetrical, to be tall or high or respectable or honourable or have dignity, to be noble, to be able to travel far and fast, to be able to carry heavy load or responsibility, to be long or durable or lasing, to walk on foot, to move fast as if flying, to cut or cut off, to separate or cut into pieces, to clip or trim or divide, to isolate or boycott or leave alone or abandon or ignore or avoid, to break off ties or sever relationships with or cut off links or connections with, to be firm or solid or hard or tough, to be flexible, to suffer or be in pain or distress, to pull out or uproot, to damage or destroy, to cut into, to stab, to thrust a knife into, to jab, to inject or give injection to, to pierce or bore or drill or make a hole, to perforate, to eat or consume or use or destroy, to deject or expel or evict or oust or dismiss or discharge or sack or fire or remove or dislodge or kick out or send packing, to turn out or fling out or force out, to lay grass, to cover with turf, to be in two minds, to be confused or puzzled or unclear, to have doubts, to be indecisive or in an indeterminate state of mind, to stop something from progress or development or growth, to do something that interrupts or interferes with human development and progress or prosperity, to do such works that lead to harm and destruction, to do something due to prejudice or bias or to be unfair or unjust, to lack understanding or comprehension or insight, head or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, teeth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses make it absolutely clear that the same people cannot be in two boats at the same time that are going in the opposite directions. You either live by program, constitution and law advised by Allah or you do as it suits yourself. Each has its own consequences. The way of life advised by Allah is all about living for each other as a proper human community, so there is no power struggle between individuals as all are pulling the cart in the very same direction with help of each other. The way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other is founded on struggle against each other so it is a rivalries driven way of life which leads to animosity and hatred between rivals on all grounds for which people struggle against each other. This is why there is urge in people to dominate each other and try to rule each other by undermining each other as explained in detail already. In this struggle people want to become Gods of each other to be worshipped by those whom they succeed to defeat in the struggle. So result is a master slave relationship and whoever dominates controls the livelihood of his slaves so the result is terrible poverty for those who are looked down as useless by their masters. This is land and resources are taken over by these people and means of production and distribution as well so they use them as it personally suits them according to whatever goals they have in their minds. This is why they use and abuse people for their own ends even though they keep promising the heaven to all to keep them confused for as long as they can. The main satan remains the mullah even today because he uses his skills for manipulating the scripture to give basis to legitimise rule of man by man and the ruler then manipulated people to make them work for the money lender so that he could enjoy his life at the expense of all the rest.

Just as kings and emperors were thrown out their power houses by masses when they had enough of them and just like masses thrown out mullahs when they had enough of them from their power houses, it is turn for throwing out money lenders from their power by masses but it seem they have not had enough of them yet. All that needs to happen is masses get together as a huge brotherhood and lookafter each other without need for money by delegitimizing private ownership by individuals so all things then become property of the whole mankind. However, it needs a lot of hard work to reorganise people into a proper human community as explained already. People should never make the mistake of haphazardly interrupting things without good preparation because that will pose grave danger than there already is. Abruptly interrupting society from functioning could leave the huge human population without necessities of life for quite some time and that will mean unnecessary death and destruction of many human being. So it is best for mankind to spread the knowledge about forming a proper human community for convincing mankind for the heavenly advised way of life. Once everything is ready then switch over in an organised way but opposition could pose problems and people have to prepare for handling such elements. Even Moses had to stand up against Pharaoh to try and get freedom for children of Israel. Noah had to take a stand against his chiefs and priests and wealthy people etc etc. So there comes a time when things can get to that stage. Rulers, mullahs and money lenders have huge propaganda machinery at their disposal as compared to masses. Rulers have huge military power and mullahs have huge blind following and money lenders also have many people hooked to them for livelihood. So it is not easy to get people away from them without hard work by those who want to change the world for the better but it can be done as shown by messengers of Allah. After all people are people and if some people can get up the ladder of power by their tricks others can also be bring them down through their will planned actions.

91) Surely each and every opponent of rule based upon guidance of Allah intends to stir up divisions between you the mankind through personal gains based way of life at the expense of each other that leads to enmity and hatred between you by means of working for personal power and personal wealth that lead to rivalries and hatred in order to to take your minds away from the way of life advised by Allah and community supporting network, will you then not stop from working against each other for personal gains?

92) Therefore be consistent with Allah and be consistent with His messenger and abstain from actions that are harmful and destructive for you the human community but if you will not stop living by personal gains based way of life then be warned that duty of Our messenger is only to deliver Our message to you the mankind clearly, the consequences of your actions will however ensue in due course.

93) This is why nothing held back people who committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and worked to help mankind develop and progress from accomplishing the set goals when they decided to live according to guidelines of Allah, so they committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and took actions to help human community to develop and progress, that is how they became consistent with guidance of Allah by committing to work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and they remained consistent with guidance of Allah and did works to make their world beautiful because set-up systems and laws of Allah are put in place in such a way that they are biased in favour of those who work to make their world beautiful for themselves as a proper human community.

94) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Allah will avail you opportunities to test yourselves to see if you have reached the standard of humanity set by Allah for you through use of each and everything that is at your disposal to deal with all facing situations and circumstances within your capability and within your jurisdiction in order to make evident such people in your human community as show potential for its better future but any group or party that will transgress the clearly set limits after set limits have been made clear to it, for such is painful suffering as a consequence of their own actions against rule based upon Our guidance.

Word RIMAAH is from root RAA, MEEM and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is hunger or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also famine or scarcity of things of need and want or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, spear or pike or javelin or bayonet or shaft or harpoon or arrow or bullet or dart or scud or pelt or flechette or missile or projectile or something that pierces through something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, poverty or hunger or hardship or rage or anger or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bar or lock or catch or latch or hasp or pin or rivet or peg or screw or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, gallop or speed or race or accelerate or shoot or hurry or fly or scutter or skim or rush or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, beat or strike or spank or slap or batter or thump or hammer or punch or knock or thrash or pound or clobber or smack or rebuke or reproof or reprimand or lambast or criticise or lecture or scold or shout or admonish or reproach or censure or blast or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bang or crash or explode or discharge or burst or erupt or detonate or blow or flash or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, defeat or conquer or vanquish or overcome or overwhelm or overthrow or overpower or crush or quash or subdue or trounce or whip or rout or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an object consisting of a long shaft with a sharply pointed tip and used as a tool or weapon or instrument or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a shoot or slender stalk or blade of grass or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, sting of a reptile or insect or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon used for hunting the prey or fighting the facing enemy or solving the facing problem by piercing through it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, famine or drought or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, shortage or scarcity or lack or dearth or deficiency or insufficiency or shortfall or undersupply or unavailability or poverty or rareness of food or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, chief or president or ruler or king or emperor or director or pointer or guide or instructor or teacher or trainer or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ruling elite or top part or section of something or management or administration or government or regime or governing body or central nervous system or control unit or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, brain or mind or being or heart or essence or intelligence or cleverness or sharpness or trickiness or cunningness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, energy or something life giving or God or revelation of God or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rain or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that drives or encourages or exhorts or urges or motivates or inspires in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that helps something move along smoothly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, barrier or dam or wall or stop or partition or hurdle or difficulty or problem or obstacle or obstruction or blockage or stoppage or hardship or adversity or opposition or resistance or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hesitation or reluctance or unwillingness or disinclination or unease or doubtfulness or incertitude or indecisiveness or nervousness or scepticism or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, building or institution or constitution or society or community or organisation or association or company or circle or union or band or group or party or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rule of law or custom or tradition or code of conduct or way of life or precedent or guide or set of instructions or directives or reference point or base or foundation or room or chamber or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide with care or home or shelter or refuge or sanctuary or a place to hide or live in or canopy or umbrella or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or guardianship or patronage or looking after or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imprison or restrict or limit or prohibit or restrain or hold back or arrest or confine or lock up or hold in or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to a people or place, to have a family or people or support or back up or following or household or brothers or sisters or parents or party or company or circle or group or community or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand in for or take the place of or cover, to water or irrigate, to flood a place with water or goods or services, to dip or sink or drown or soak or wet or submerge or immerse or bathe or wash or drench in water, to shed tears or water or blood, to cry or grieve or be in pain or sad or sorrowful or regretful or unhappy, to be hurt or injured or wounded, to devastate or destroy or annihilate or erase completely or ruin or kill, to cause disaster or calamity or catastrophe or death and destruction, to rain or cause water to fall from the sky as rain or shower, to bring about greenery or vegetation, to flower or grow or blossom or flourish, to bring prosperity, to have easy or comfortable or luxurious life or existence, to have things of need or want plentiful or in abundance, to cause poverty or hardship, to cause famine or scarcity of things of need or want, to cause problems or troubles or difficulties, to provide with guidance, to drip or flow or run, to move, to seep, to spread, to keep things in balance or in harmony, to complement or support or help each other, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire, to understand or comprehend or grasp or come to grips with, to have in mind or perceive or visualise or imagine or have in sight or view, to be clever or sharp or cunning or deceptive or intelligent or brainy, to be mindful or caring or considerate or compassionate or kind, to look or see or observe or view or examine or cross examine or analyse or scrutinise, to encompass or surround or envelop or cover from all sides or overcome or undermine or overpower or overwhelm or triumph over, to have a view point or an opinion or judgement or decision or dream or ambition or wish, to discuss or debate or explain or detail or justify or argue, to give a talk or deliver a lecture or make a speech, to slander or backbite or accused falsely or spread false rumours about, to hunt for food, to look for or search for things of need or want, to face hunger or starvation due to lack or scarcity of food, to face famine or drought, to face poverty or hardship or disease or illness or weakness, to gallop or run fast at full speed, to pierce through something as if with a spear or weapon or tool, to stab at something as if with a spear, to catch something with a thrust of an arm or a weapon, to penetrate something like a spear, to get into or enter something like a spear or an arrow, to sprout, to hurt someone or something badly as if by stabbing someone or something with a appear, to be sharp intellectually to be able to penetrate the mind of the opponent, to be quick witted, to be able to attack the problem or difficulty quickly and sharply in order to remove it, head or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse makes a highly important point that mankind are created for learning and doing things and keep going by way of trial and error till they have reached their full potential of development and growth that Allah has placed in them. That is when humanity will have reached the standard of self organisation and self regulation. That is the time when people will be able to live their lives properly by regulating themselves by rules after the rules are made known to them by the human community that will make rules on basis of mutual consultations as already explained. So long as people need others to keep an eye on them to stop them from breaking the laws, humanity is still immature and has a long way to go to reach the set standard.

95) Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Do not let harm or destruction come to anything that falls under your jurisdiction because you are responsible and accountable for its safety and security. So if you will let anything come to harm or destruction deliberately while under your responsibility and protection then the outcome will be a loss of a benefit similar to that loss as any of your highly justice conscious people will judge due to Our guidance that has helped them reach the status of self regulation or people who cover needs and wants of your proper human community, or those who can judge matters similar to that due to having gone through experience of hardship of training regarding matter of this nature. Allah wants you let bygone way of life be bygone. For Allah is powerful enough to provide you the mankind with His guidance to keep you on the way of life that is proper.

These verses are telling us about self discipline and are explaining the fact that harmful and destructive thoughts and actions do have serious consequences for individuals and communities, as serious as the losses that will be suffered as a result of them. This should be obvious to any sensible person who has the brain and senses and has used them to learn and do things properly as told. Also a very clear explanation is given of the fact that this universe operates on basis of closed loop system according to set divine will. So no matter what people think and do, it will always take them in the direction of human development and betterment of human world bit by bit. Some people will make mistakes and others will lose as a result and then they will react to that loss and force the wrong doers back into the right direction at least to some degree. This will take a very, very long time for mankind to get where they ought to be according to plan of God for them. This is how man will one day become a good manager of the universe and realise glory of God through self learning and creativity. Mankind is gradually moving in the right position for what it is created by its creator like a football players tries to move ball in position for scoring a goal. So people to are gradually moving without being aware towards self regulation so a stage is going to come when people will become needy for guidance of Allah even though they are ignoring it just now and always have in their past. Had they learned things from guidance of Allah. They will have created a beautiful world for themselves a very long time ago but may be most of the people will only learn the right way to live the hard way.

96) So it is made binding for you the people of proper human community to work hard for producing things of need in abundance so that you the proper human community could use what is produced by this hard work as livelihood for yourselves and for those serving or managing your community, therefore it is prohibited for you as individuals to get hold of things in abundance personally at the expense of each other for as long as you live under the jurisdiction of Our program, constitution and law. Therefore to benefit each other, be consistent with the program, constitution and law of Allah who has planned to gather you all under His rule based upon His guidance.

These like verses do not stop individuals from having things for themselves for their private use but there is a difference in community handing over things to individuals and one taking things himself without the knowledge of community and its administration. That comes under stealing rights of others. It is just like a family wherein all work as best as they can and whatever they earn they divide it between themselves ensuring each has what one needs as explained in detail already. If any member quietly took anything without family knowing about it then that is not the proper way of doing things. The Quran proposes a sensible open or transparent human society so that all live in peace and harmony with each other and all cooperate with each other to make progress and all become prosperous as a good human community. This is why negative division in society for party politics for economic advantages has no room in Islam. There is ample room for people for competing against each other to do better for each other. In this society people are to be named and honoured for their contributions to the community or named and shamed for harm they inflict repeatedly on community through their antisocial mindset, attitude or behaviour. All this is done to encourage beneficial mindset, attitude and behaviour and to discourage harmful mindset, attitude and behaviour.

97) Allah has put forth goals and guidelines for helping mankind stand on their own feet to rise to heights of excellence through avoiding aggression against each other by following guidance through self regulation, so that you become aware that it is Allah alone who has planned to make obvious for you the mankind all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth and that is why Allah has set-up systems and laws to make all things manifests for you the mankind in due course.

In this verse phrase BAITAL HARAAM means program, constitution and law that act as sanctuary for mankind to secure, dignified and blissful existence like a person feels secure in his house. This verse also has the phrase QIYAAMALLINAAS in it which gives it meaning like Allah has set up things so that humanity is able to stand on its own feet in due course and is able to rise to heights of blissful, dignified and secure existence and becomes aware of its creator and sustainer through learning and doing things that make obvious to it creativity of its creator and sustainer. This surah is a very powerful message through and through as to how Allah wants humanity to be. It contains vision of Allah for humanity for which he has created it and provided it with all it needs including his guidance for it. So no wonder this surah is called AL-MAAIDAH.

98) Therefore beware that Allah is strict in enforcing His laws to hold mankind to His plan because Allah is protector of mankind through His blissful, dignifying and life securing program.

99) The duty of Our messenger is only to pass on Our message but it is set-up systems and laws of Allah that makes obvious through results of your actions all that you do against each other openly as well as all that you do against each other in private.

100) Say, the harmful and destructive and the benevolent and constructive ways of life are not the same in their results for the existence of mankind even if collecting abundance of good things at the expense proper human community amazes some of you for a while because it does not last for very long therefore be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah and proper human community O you the people who have learned the sense to make proper sense of things so that you could be successful in reaching the heights of excellence!

In this verse it is made absolutely clear that people have only one way of life to live by if they wish to live trouble free and successful lives, which is living for the good of each other and failing that the only way of life is that which is based upon personal gains and that can only and only lead to divisions, rivalries, animosities and wars and thereby death and destruction so don’t be a loser and choose the way of life that gives you hope of better future for good. After all you have nothing to lose by giving it a good try. So don’t keep looking back for that way life you had after coming to new way of life by looking for same advantages over others. Obviously people who had things going for them in personal gains based way of life at the expense of others miss them because they at the time had huge advantage over many others, which is gone for anyone who comes to way of life based upon the Quran. The same problem faces those who want their own back after coming to way of life based upon the Quran. Both parties are told to behave themselves because they both gain by joining the same community based upon the Quranic way of life. So people are told to let bygones be bygones and make a new start by accepting each other recreating an excellent life for all in the community as a proper brotherhood.

101) However O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Never make the mistake of questioning the integrity of each other on basis of what you had and what you did in the past due to living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other before you decided to live by way of life advised by Allah because if you will question integrity of each other on that basis when the Quran is being revealed for bringing about a change in your mindsets, attitudes and behaviours you will come to regret this move of yours because it will damage your struggle for being a proper human community whereas the Quran is being revealed to set you on a better track to put you on the better footing, that is why Allah tells you to let bygone way of life be bygone because Allah is protector of mankind through His blissful, dignifying and life securing program.

This verse makes a very important point that when no community lives properly by proper way of life advised by Allah then all are bound to make mistakes and do things the wrong way and suffer the consequences so no point in wasting time over who has done what in the past as things used to be instead a people who come together to start a new community on new footing if they are really sincere then they should be actually concerned about where they go from here on in the new direction. Otherwise by finding faults with each other through questioning each other’s thoughts and actions people could get entangled in wrong things and end up breaking up and dispersing instead of becoming a united single family. So people should take a new start as new beginning and take full advantage of it for their own good. Living in the past particularly when it could prove harmful and even destructive is not a sensible thing to do for people who assume themselves wiser.

102) Indeed communities before you did question integrity of each other and due to that they broke up that is how they ended up opposing the very goal set for them by Allah.

103) Allah never allowed hoarding by individuals for personal gains at the expense of each other and he never allowed slavery of some by others nor He ever allowed individual ownership of land and resources because He did not allow rivalry and animosity between mankind yet those who reject and oppose program, constitution and law of Allah tell lies about way of life advised by Allah by doing all these things in His name because most of them have no sense because they bother not with learning sense to make proper sense of things.

Word SAAIBAH is from root SEEN, YAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is running water or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also river or stream or spring or water channel or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, charity or donation or free gift or present or favour or fund or trust or foundation or cause or movement or aid or welfare or relief or patronage or alms or philanthropy or humanitarianism or humanity or altruism or social conscious or concern or generosity or selflessness or goodwill or compassion or kindness or brotherly love or tenderness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something continuous or permanent or constant or durable or lasting or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something permanently or continuously or constantly or perpetually on the move in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that constantly or perpetually or continuously remains in a state or place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something self propelling or something that moves by itself or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, verbosity or babble or volubility or blathering or talkativeness or waffling or tautology or circumlocution or verbiage or convolution or loquacity or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, keep running or keep going nonstop or continue nonstop or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, long-windedness or effusiveness or wordiness or prolixity or profuseness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, flowers of palm tree or green dates or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the milk that issues without being drawn forth from the teats or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, turncoats or renegades or dissenters or defectors or rebels or bigots or fanatics or apostates or alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bigotry or fanaticism or stubbornness or arrogance or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hidden treasure or wealth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, poles with which a boat or ship is propelled or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, any beast left to pasture freely where it wills without a pastor or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, slaves or alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a sacrificial or dedicated animal that is left free to roam and pasture as it likes or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, intelligence or cleverness or sharpness or trickiness or cunningness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bite or cut or incision or injury or wound or scratch or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, trim or clip or crop or shear or prune or shave or mow or sever or amputate or cull or pierce or slash or notch or nick or gash or bore or drill or slit or crack or break or rent or tear or score or rip or hack or split or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, watchtower or guard or watchman or guardian or carer or manager or handler or someone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, help or support or assistance or aid or backing or reinforcement or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, energy or strength or revelation of God or something life giving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, building or institution or constitution or structure or framework or infrastructure or frame or skeleton or something that gives something its shape or form or character or features or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, room or box or chamber or coffin or tomb or grave or lodging or dwelling or abode or home or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, code of conduct or rule of law or tradition or precedent or way of life or example or custom or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, power or authority or grasp or grip or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, reach or jurisdiction or range or spectrum or zone of operation or control or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ability or capacity or capability or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or included or be part of, to be excluded or barred, to have a hand in something happening or making it happen, to show one’s hand, to trick or deceive, to have reach or jurisdiction or control or authority or grasp or understanding or comprehension, to have in hand, to manage or take care of or handle, to stretch or extend or increase or protrude or overhang, to contract or retract, to open up or close down, to hang or hold or latch or catch or link or hook or connect onto, to hold back or limit or restrain or resist or impede or oppose, to stop or kill the enemy or intruder or imposter, to defend, to be able to be or have or use or do, to grow or develop or prosper, to add, to increase, to accumulate, to accommodate, to open up wide, to handle or manage or look after or take care of, to hold tightly, to narrow down, to detail or elaborate or explain, to guard or preserve or save or rescue or shield or protect, to provide with patronage or guardianship or hospitality or looking after or backing or support or assistance or help or aid, to reinforce, to cry or be in tears, to grieve or regret or be sad or sorrowful, to be hurt or injured or in pain, to make rounds, to go around, to frequent, to keep going away and coming back, to keep returning, to go round and round in circle, to cycle, to rotate or revolve or keep turning, to stand guard over, to watch, to ensure safety or security or both, to learn or drink from fountain of knowledge, to be happy or joyful, to shed tears of joy, to provide with care or safety or security or shelter or refuge or sanctuary or room to manoeuvre or space to breath or roof over head or umbrella or canopy or cover, to wrap up or cover up or veil or hide or conceal, to separate or isolate or barricade or boycott or break ties or link or connections with or severe relationships with, to create differences or divisions or tensions or conflicts or fights or wars, to belong to a place or people, to have family or household or following or siblings or brothers or sisters or parents or children or husband or wife, to belong to a circle or association or organisation or company or group or party or society or village or town or city or country, to limit or restrict or resist or restrain or impede or hold back or oppose or imprison or hold captive or hostage or captivate or arrest, to stand in for or take the place of, to cut or cut off, to separate or cut into pieces, to clip or trim or divide, to isolate or boycott or leave alone or abandon or ignore or avoid, to break off ties or sever relationships with or cut off links or connections with, to be firm or solid or hard or tough, to be flexible, to suffer or be in pain or distress, to pull out or uproot, to damage or destroy, to cut into, to stab, to thrust a knife into, to jab, to inject or give injection to, to pierce or bore or drill or make a hole, to perforate, to eat or consume or use or destroy, to deject or expel or evict or oust or dismiss or discharge or sack or fire or remove or dislodge or kick out or send packing, to turn out or fling out or force out, to lay grass, to cover with turf, to be in two minds, to be confused or puzzled or unclear, to have doubts, to be indecisive or in an indeterminate state of mind, to stop something from progress or development or growth, to do something that interrupts or interferes with human development and progress or prosperity, to do such works that lead to harm and destruction, to do something due to prejudice or bias or to be unfair or unjust, to lack understanding or comprehension or insight, to be irrational or illogical, to be logically inconsistent, to be all over the place, to be puzzled or confused, to go around in circles, to be long, to be vast, to be open, to be running, to be constantly on the move, to keep going on, to continue nonstop, to carry on nonstop, to talk a great deal, to leave alone or abandon or desert or ignore or avoid or neglect or reject someone or something, to free or liberate or let go, to dismiss, to discard, to turn down or refuse to accept, to decline, to finish, to conclude, to terminate, to disperse, to scatter, to break up, to disappear, to become invisible or low profile, to be of no use or serve no purpose or become useless, to cease, to drip, to seek dominance over others by undermining them, to try to dominate others by undermining them, to hide wealth or treasure, to run freely, to flow, to set free or be freed, to donate or gift, to favour, to help or support or assist, to move along with something, constantly running water, something that remains consistent with something, bondage of one thing with another, linkage, chain, water that runs all over the place, something left unattended or on its own without any limits, unlimited freedom, tooth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word HAAM is from root HAA, MEEM and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is sanctuary or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also shelter or refuge or hiding place or harbour or haven or retreat or den or asylum or foxhole or hideaway or safe house or safety and security or immunity or breathing space or room to manoeuvre or roof over head or canopy or umbrella or home or guardianship or patronage or protection or backing or reinforcement or support or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hot-headedness or zeal or fervour or impetuosity or passion or ardour or intensity or vehemence or emotion or warmth or sincerity or earnestness or avidity or eagerness or keenness or enthusiasm or excitement or animation or vigour or energy or blazing fire or burning desire or fieriness or heat or spirit or zest or appetite or hunger or urgency or dedication or devoutness or assiduity pr commitment or high temperature or rashness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, heat of the sun or very hot fire or anger or rage or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bloodshed or fighting or war or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hell fire or fire of hatred or fire of animosity or fire of jealousy or rivalry or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, best friend or a close friend or confidant or alike minded or mate or husband or wife or consort or partner or associate or companion or colleague or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone stubborn or arrogant or ruthless or headstrong or pig-headed or self willed or obdurate or bull-headed or ineradicable or inerasable or permanent or lasting or enduring or ingrained or unfading or imperishable or indestructible or indelible or awkward or difficult or firm or adamant or resolute or persistent or inflexible or iron-willed or uncompromising or uncooperative or unaccommodating or intractable or unbending or unyielding or unmalleable or unadoptable or inadaptable or stiff-necked or tenacious or resistant or reluctant or hesitant or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone that turns dark or gloomy or depressed or dim or hopeless or desperate or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, dark clouds or could full of rain or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that turns ugly or nasty or bad or damaging or harmful or destructive or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, in-laws or alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something burning hot or blazing or very angry or someone or something in alike state in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a protected grazing field or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an ill person who has been stopped from eating or drinking certain things as a precautionary measure for his recovery from the illness or someone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, dam or barrier or hurdle or blockage or obstacle or obstruction or opposition or resistance or impedance or hesitation or reluctance or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, partition or separation or divide or wall or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, difference or dispute or conflict or fight or war or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, gap or space or crack or distance or hole or breach or break or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, isolation or boycott or severing of links or connections or cutting off ties or ending relationships or doing something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the right or wrong side of the law, to sit on the fence, to not to take sides, to be biased or prejudiced, to take side or sides, to play from the both sides, to act against oneself, to practice self restraint, to hold oneself back from being or having or using or doing something, flooding or devastation or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or death and destruction or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rain or shower or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water falling down from sky as rain or shower or something alike happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, energy or something life giving or motivating or inspiring or encouraging or moving or revelation of God or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or deceptive or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, link or connection or contact or network or tie or relationship or joint or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, addendum or increase or addition or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, glue or adhesive or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skill or expertise or mastery or experience or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rule of law or code of conduct or tradition or custom or way of life or precedent or example or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or included, to be part of or belong to, to show one’s hand, to trick, to be involved in something happening or making it happen, to open up or close down, to open up wide or narrow down or shut down, to protrude or retract or contract, to have power or authority or control or grasp or grip or jurisdiction over, to have ability or capability or capacity or potential, to have reach or range or operating zone or area, to have understanding or comprehension, to encompass or surround or envelope or overpower or overwhelm or overcome or defeat or triumph over, to have influence or affect over, to carve or bend or design or mould or shape or form or fashion something according to some specification or requirement or standard or something, to form a network or people or things, to put people or things in touch with each other, to build roads or paths or bridges between people and places to put them in touch with each other so that they could be aware of each other and they could deal with each other, to add, to hang or hold or catch or latch or link onto, to stick with or adhere to, to bring or put things together, to form a union or group or party or society or association or organisation or circle or community, to be deceptive or cunning or clever, to try to cheat, to commit treachery, to extend or expand or detail or explain or elaborate, to blow up or explode, to inflate or grow bigger, to water or irrigate, to dip or submerge or immerse or soak or wet or wash or bathe or drown or sink or drench in water or liquid, to grieve or be in tears or sad or sorrowful or regretful or unhappy, to shed tears of joy, to shed water or blood, to cause fight or war, to flow or drip or run or fall, to overflow, to flood the place with water or goods or services, to have easy or comfortable or luxurious life or existence, to have things of need or want in abundance or plentiful, to bring about progress or development or growth or prosperity, to cause bundles of problems or difficulties or poverty and disease, to bring about greenery or vegetation, to flower or blossom or flourish, to strike down, to afflict, to punish, to bar or stop or block, to exclude or include, to lock up or imprison or secure, to arrest or limit or restrict or restrain or hold back, to save or rescue or preserve or shield or defend or guard or back up or reinforce or support or to cover or cover up or veil or wrap up or hide or conceal, to stand in for or take the place of, to provide with cover fire, to safe from danger or harm or death or destruction, to keep an eye on or spy on or take care of or handle or manage or look after, to barricade, to confine, to limit or restrict or restrain or hold back, to prevent, to prohibit or disable or immobilise, to put in a straightjacket, to limit options, to stop something from being or having or using or doing something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide protection for something, to guard or protect something, to give refuge to something, to provide with shelter, to rebel, to avoid or ignore or leave alone or desert or neglect or abandon, to heat up, to become angry, to be heated, to be burnt, to be brought to a hot temperature, to provoke or outrage or make angry, to be suffering from a fever or have a very high temperature, to be burning hot with fever or anger, fence or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse hits where it hurts at the root of all problems the religion because it is used as a tool to fool masses into use and abuse in the very name of God by rulers, priests and moneylenders with help of their touts and supporters. Mullahs are condemns to the utmost degree in this surah along with rulers and money lenders because this surah is all about what the proper way of life is and how it is supposed to be brought about and why as well as what is really wrong with people living their lives any other ways of life they may adopt etc etc.

104) So when it is said to them, come to what is revealed by Allah and come to the messenger so that you could become a properly organised and regulated community of people for goals according to provided guidelines worth considering. Their reply is, sufficient is for us the way upon which we found our forefathers. What! Even if their forefathers knew nothing about living their lives properly because they followed no proper guidance from Allah?

105) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! The responsibility for well being of your fellow human beings rests upon yourselves as a community and administration and any people who move away from this concept can do you no harm if you yourselves remain on the course advised, which is the goal set by Allah for all of you to turn to and that is how Allah teaches you what you should be doing.

106) Since you the people are responsible for looking after your human population yourselves therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, be alert and aware about affairs among yourselves and participate in all administrative, institutional and community affairs appropriately as a properly organised and regulated community because that concerns your well being before destruction takes over any of you the people due to your lack of sense of responsibilities for each other, therefore the advice that when you have to put in place a community administration for a fixed period of time or replace one to take over the legacy of an outgoing administration as time of its expiry approaches. Make them declare under oath among yourselves that they have taken or will take care of community to the best of their abilities before two trustable and highly knowledgeable people from among you the community as well as from among both the administrations while you are on transitional ground in order to avoid falling in chaos and confusion that leads to destruction. Gather both of the administrations after the changeover network is in place for swearing in the new administration by making them swear in the name of Allah declaring clearly, we have not participated and we will not participate in the administration for any personal gain at the expense of the community or for that matter benefit our close relative. We will carry out our duties faithfully and transparently and we will not hide any evidence of any wrong doing from Allah or the community and if we do then we will be of those who work to harm the mission of Allah to damage the community.

Word TAHBISOO is from root HAA, BAA and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is prison or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also jail or place of detention or lock up or place of confinement or detention centre or correctional facility or offender institution or jailhouse or boot camp or reformatory or guardhouse or place where criminal or offenders are kept under guard by a society or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, quality or attribute or feature or characteristic or faculty or ability or talent or gift or strength or aptitude or capability or capacity or endowment or potential or skill or expertise or mastery or proficiency or dexterity or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, base or foundation or ground or anchorage or establishment or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, facility or convenience or amenity or ease or resource or service or advantage or benefit or provision or space or room or breathing space or room for manoeuvre or ways and means or necessities or essentials or prerequisites or needed equipments or tools or weapons or instruments or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, solution or answer or resolution or remedy or cure or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, opportunity or chance or possibility or option or choice or hope or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, recourse or alternative or redress or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a place where in animal feed is placed for them to eat or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ring or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, interval or break or respite or gap or space or room or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, barrier or dam or wall or stop or partition or hurdle or difficulty or problem or obstacle or obstruction or blockage or stoppage or hardship or adversity or opposition or resistance or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hesitation or reluctance or unwillingness or disinclination or unease or doubtfulness or incertitude or indecisiveness or nervousness or scepticism or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, building or institution or constitution or society or community or organisation or association or company or circle or union or band or group or party or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rule of law or custom or tradition or code of conduct or way of life or precedent or guide or set of instructions or directives or reference point or base or foundation or room or chamber or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide with care or home or shelter or refuge or sanctuary or a place to hide or live in or canopy or umbrella or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or guardianship or patronage or looking after or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imprison or restrict or limit or prohibit or restrain or hold back or arrest or confine or lock up or hold in or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to a people or place, to have a family or people or support or back up or following or household or brothers or sisters or parents or party or company or circle or group or community or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand in for or take the place of or cover, to eat or devour or consume, to destroy, to shatter into pieces or cut into bits or fragment, to scatter, to be firm or tough or strong or solid or hard, to be painful, to be flexible, to be fixed in place or position yet be able to move, to pull out or uproot, to grow again, to make a road or path, to take a short cut, to be sharp or clever or intelligent or cunning or deceptive, to clip or trim or crop or shave, to carve or bend or twist or turn or mould or design or form or shape, to defend or shield or preserve or protect or reinforce or save or rescue or shelter or hide or cover up or veil or wrap up or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to partition or isolate or separate or boycott or break off ties with or severe relationships with or cut off links or connections with or do something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the opposite side, to oppose, to differ, to gang up, to be similar or alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of same mindset or attitude or behaviour in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be based upon same ideology, to act alike or in a similar manner, to be one in thought or action or both, to think or act together as one unit, to be like one another or each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a group or party or have a group or party mentality, to feel secure in a group or in form of a group, to be one or the same or united, to form a union, to converge or diverge, to organise or regulate people or things, to rank or position or place people or things appropriately in a scheme or plan or project for some reason or purpose, to part or split or rent or tear or separate or divide or branch or break up or segregate or partition or detach or disconnect or unlink or unhook or unhinge or untie or let loose, to allocate or allot or apportion or distribute or dispense, to distinguish, to define, to specify, to particularise, to cause to standout, to point out, to select or choose, to prefer or favour, to be biased, to be prejudicial, to take side, to afflict or devastate or destroy or punish or make suffer pain or disgrace, to be tough or hard or solid or firm or strong, fence or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to limit freedom of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assign someone with a task, to dedicate someone for doing something, to hold someone accountable or answerable for something, to take prisoner, to hold back someone from leaving some position in the office or a place, to hold back someone from doing something, to arrest, to equip someone with what is needed to carry out a task, to furnish someone with responsibility or duty or some task, to detain, to restrict, to confine, to endow, to delay, to stop from happening, to halt or stop or prevent, to imprison, to keep back, to hold back, to capture, to captivate, to take hostage, to arrest, to gift or give away something freely, to dedicate or commit or sacrifice someone or something to some cause or mission, fence or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses as is obvious from their context are about constitutional and legal obligations and about administrations, institutions and communities. They seem to be about swearing in a new administration and ensuring that the outgoing administration if there is one has done what it was supposed to do and that outgoing administration must declare to community if it has failed in anything it was supposed to carry out so that corrective steps could be taken by the incoming administration in time to prevent any damage to the community. They are also about reminding the incoming administration about its role regarding community that it must fulfil when it takes over the office. The outgoing administration is held accountable by the community as well as the new administration that is going to take over its legacy. If the outgoing administration has done anything wrong but fails to inform then it is duty of the incoming administration to let the community know about it so that new administration is not held accountable for what the old administration did wrong. In a way these verses detail procedure for putting in place an administration or changing the one that is already there when its time in the office expires or it needs to be dismissed for some serious misconduct or mismanagement. The conflict of interest is dealt with also in these verses ie any person coming in to any administration to serve community must do so and not try to take advantage of his position in the administration at the expense of the community. Each and every member of the community has rights and responsibilities just like each community institution and administration so all are to work within their assigned spheres effectively. In other words constitution is supreme and all people and institutions must abide by it and department for justice and law and order must ensure that so that all community affairs run as smoothly as possible to ensure unity, peace, progress and prosperity of the community.

These verses are also like the verses about Prophet Jacob when he was about to leave this world that he asked his future generation, how are you people going to live after me. It is because each passing generation or authority must pass on its legacy properly to next generation ensuring successful future for generations to come. It goes without saying that future generations depend on performance of past generations as well as their own performance so all must try their best to live up to that requirement or set standard. It must be noted again that there is no concept of private ownership in the way of life advised by the Quran. It is said to be very harmful and even destructive way of life to live for personal gains at the expense of each other. In short power division on basis of some people taking undue advantage of others is disbelief in the message of Allah. The only way of life that accepts one as man of peace is that which is based upon the idea of complementing each other and getting the job done. Anything having or doing which leads to divisions, rivalry, animosity, hatred and fights and wars is unacceptable and is condemned by the Quran repeatedly. In fact if we read the Bible, the message of Jesus is the very same to create a proper human community ie people not living at the expense of each other but for each other. See New Testament in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 23 and in the Acts of the Apostles in chapter 2 and verses 44-47 etc and chapter 4 and verses 32-37 etc. In the coming verses the Quran is talking about same thing ie the heavenly way of life or way of life advised for people by Allah.

The people who claim to be followers of Jesus today are actually promoting capitalism based secular democracy, which is in actual rule by the rich because a poor person cannot fund his election campaign no matter how capable that person may be to serve his community. The backers of politicians and political institutions and priests and religious institutions know how to pull their strings and use them by showing people money. People will do anything to get their hands on cash to be able to get what they need to live. All education is geared toward holding on to personal gains based way of life at the expense of each other. This is why friendships are breaking down, family ties have no strength in them and there is no community sense any more in minds of people. Each and every person deep inside feels isolated with exception of those who have all the strings in their hands and are making fools of masses. Studies and researches are funded by vested interest parties for getting favourable results instead of getting to the truth and having human community benefits in mind. Who are we really fooling if we stand back and think about it. We are part of a human society that is based on the idea of get you can get away with any way you can. This is the hallmark of criminal thugs but we think, thug are those who do petty criminal activities for getting by because we the community have let them down by setting them up on this path of life. The Quranic based definition of criminal is very different. A criminal is a person who does not learn, promote and live by way of life advised by Allah. and does not promote well being mankind and instead invents and promotes a way of life which leads to living against each for personal gains. So people who claim to be followers of scriptures need to look into their scriptures to see how they ought to be living for each other and not against each other.

107) However if it becomes clear that either of the two administrations are guilty of perjury then let two others better qualified investigating team witnesses from among those people of the community who were deprived of their right come forward and testify under oath saying, by Allah our statement of account is more complete than theirs. We have not transgressed in our testimony because we are fully aware that if we did, it will inflict a great harm upon our community.

This verse is telling the community how it should solve any disputes that may arises between the outgoing administrations, the incoming administrations and the communities they serve. A fact finding committee should be established involving highly trustable people with knowledge of things which then after finding all the related facts lets all involved know its findings. If such an inquiry is not taken seriously and problems found not solved properly then corruption could enter in administrations, communities and institutions and then nothing can stop community from heading towards its own destruction.

Word OSIR is from root AIN, SAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is pulse or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also heartbeat or thumping or pounding or vibration or oscillation or palpitation or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, burst or blast or spurt or eruption or impulse or surge or spurt or splurt or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, well or spring or fountain or stream or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, flood or torrent or deluge or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a hole or ditch or pool in which irrigation water collects or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, palm trees that get water from an irrigation pool or ditch or well or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a slip of tongue or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, dust or earth or land or clay or earthenware or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, spasm or cramp or twitch or jerk or tic or tremor or convulsion or contraction or fit or seizure or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eruption or explosion or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, storm or shower or barrage or hail or rain or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, uproar or commotion or outpouring or disturbance or upheaval or upsurge or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, avalanche or eruption or earthquake or volcanic explosion or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, controversy or conflict or fight or argument or scandal or trouble or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, outbreak or outburst or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a unifying force or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that moves or makes something work or is lively or life giving or brings something to life or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, soul or spirit or essence or being or vital core or driving or inspiring or motivating or encouraging or pushing force behind something or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a moment or very short time period or blink of an eye or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, regular beat or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, expressed ideas or opinions or feeling of a person or a people at a particular moment in time or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, drumbeat or beat of a marching band or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, watchman or guard or spy or guardian or protector or preserver or saviour or rescuer or patron or manager or handler or carer or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, watchtower or watch post or observation post or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ocean or river or stream or fountain or spring or well or water source or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, sea or river or fountain or river of knowledge or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, spring season or new beginning or rebirth or restart or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, recycling or reprocessing or reusing or recovering or doing something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, aid or support or help or assistance or backing or reinforcement or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, brain or mind or central nervous system or control unit or central processing unit or government or administration or management or ruling elite or top part or section of something or rulership or leadership or best or worst part or section of something or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, chief or leader or guide or instructor or teacher or trainer or director or pointer or king or emperor or president or manager or handler or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, guidance or rule of law or constitution or tradition or precedent or custom or way of life or procedure or practice or example or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, frame or framework or main structure or infrastructure or outline or sketch or blueprint or road map or action plan or chassis or something that gives something its shape or form or features or characteristics or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, clothe hanger or dummy or statute or model or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wash clothes, to hang clothes, to draw, to write or scribe or scribble, to portray, to make a picture or map or plan, to make a diagram or a schematic diagram, to make a technical drawing, to map out something, to make an architectural map or plan for raising or building a building or for building or raising a human society according to it, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to have brain or mind or intelligence or be sharp or clever or cunning or tricky or crooked or wicked or dent or twisted or turned, to go round and round in circles, to be irrational or illogical or logically inconsistent, to plain ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire, to slander or backbite or spread false rumours or accuse falsely, to meditate, to use brain, to comprehend or understand or grasp or come to grips with, to overcome or overpower or overwhelm or undermine or defeat or have control or jurisdiction over, to force to submit or surrender or yield or accept defeat, to surround or encompass or envelop or cover from all sides or wrap up or cover up or take over, to discuss or debate or give talk or deliver a lecture or make speech, to see or look or view or perceive or imagine or visualise or consider or examine or cross examine or scrutinise or analyse, to have a point of view or a view point or insight, to have in sight or view or be able to see, to grieve or cry or be sad or unhappy or sorrowful or regretful or tearful, to follow or pursue, to copy or imitate, to think or behave or do alike, to be image or copy of original, to grow shoots or sprout, to return a material to its previous state or stage, to recycle, to be born again, to go through a rebirth cycle, to start anew, to reprocess, to reclaim, to recover, to cover something again, to salvage, to reuse, to become aware of something, to squirt, to appear or make a sound, to be or become visible or obvious or manifest or exposed, to shoot, to spray, to jet, to pour, to stream, to pump, to spew, to spill, to flow, to burst, to eject, to expel, to discharge, to emit, to issue, to surge, to gush, to spout, to flood, to flutter, to twitch, to feel, to have hunch, to believe, to assume, to become aware of, to become alert about, to be or become alarmed, to have the hand on the pulse, to know the situation or be aware of the circumstances or what is going on or happening, to become aware of a secret or something hidden by chance, to stumble upon something, to come upon someone or something by accident or coincidence, to happen by accident or by chance, to find or find out, to trip or trip over, to be found, to be become discovered, to cause to find, to cause to stumble upon, to set up, to entrap, to ensnare, to allure, to entice, to stagger, to tumble, to topple, to cause to fall or fall down, to slip or cause to slip, to trick, to deceive, to trap, to teeter, to wobble, to falter, to hobble, to roll, to lurch, to sway, to veer off, to swerve, to reel, to pitch, to flounder, to shudder, to judder, to shake, to be unstable, to quake, to tremble, to quiver, to rock, to shuffle, to mix, to adulterate, to become found out, to become known, to vibrate, to oscillate, to pulsate, to palpitate, to resonate, to beat, to ring, to echo or re-echo, to reverberate, to thump, to thud, to murmur, to hum, to ripple, to jiggle, to swing, to go to and fro, to shiver, to jerk, to jolt, to agitate, to react, to campaign against, to protest, to demonstrate, to heave, to thunder, to pound, to wave, to convulse, to throb, to slide, to miscalculate, to outwit, to outsmart, to err, to make a mistake, to trip up, to skip, to dance, to spring, to unsettle, to destabilise, to disconcert, to throw, to wrong foot, to scutter, to hasten, to rush, to hurry, to dash, to scamper, eye or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

108) By this procedure it is more likely that the administrators will bear true witness to their works or at least fear that their testimonies under oath could be challenged by opposing testimonies and evidences by others under oath. So be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah and heed His advice for the good of humanity because guidance of Allah guides not a people who rebel against rule based upon His guidance by creating divisions and animosities among mankind.

In these verses it is made very clear that it is left up to people themselves to keep each other in check in order to prevent them from doing anything that brings harm and destruction to community causing its disintegration through loss of community spirit. A clear proof that the Quran does allow leaving things to individuals to do as they please but that best mechanisms should be put in place to monitor things for feedback and correction purposes so that any corrective measures are taken in time to make them effective and fruitful. There is no point in finding out things after they have fallen apart completely and being unable to put them together again. Quality control and sampling is a very effective way of catching any irregularities well within time. Not that people are necessarily dishonest but because of human errors as well which are inevitable no matter how honest people may be in carrying out their duties with sense of responsibilities.

109) This is why one day Allah will gather His messengers and ask them, what was the response of your people to your messages? They will say, we have no sure full information about it, however You are surely aware of things constantly and consistently.

This verse is telling people how Allah set up his guidance network in this world. He raised some people as his messengers and gave them scriptures to deliver his program to their communities. When time of death came for any of his messengers he held each of them to account regarding the fulfilment of their missions ie how did they deliver his message and how did their communities respond to what they were told by them. The last sermon by the last messenger was part of the very same process just like prophet Jacob asked his children when he was about to leave this world. The messengers are asked questions both at the start of their missions and at its completion and they will also be asked on the day of judgement that is appointed for the final judgement of all affairs. Things not dealt here in this life will be dealt in there in full. Just as Allah tells people to keep each other in check in this life so he is warning people that they better be honest and good to each other for the well being of all or if they think they can get away with things then they have another thing coming which they cannot escape no matter how clever they may think they are.

110) So call to mind the time when Allah will say, O Jesus the manager of community of Mariam! Recount things about My blissful, dignifying and life securing program I bestowed upon you for your community. Behold! I motivated you with My inspiring revelation so that you could speak to the people wisely with maturity and courage because I taught you from My scriptures, The Torah and The Injil for making you wise and that is how you were able to revive and raise a people lying in the ditch of ignorance and poverty to heights of excellence as a community like a soaring bird by My revealed plan by breathing into it a new breath of life and that is how you healed the people blind without light of knowledge as well as you were able to end the isolation of a neglected people due to My plan and so you were able to bring the destroyed nation back to life through My guidance. Furthermore call to mind how I protected you from the violence of the Children of Israel when you came to them with clear goals and guidelines yet those who opposed my guidance among them said, this is nothing but a manifest conspiracy against our religion and state as well as against our existing way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other.

111) Moreover call to mind the time when I inspired your people to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind on basis of My revelation through My messenger and they said, we commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind so make us obvious for mankind that we are of those who have committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind through our works.

112) Behold, at the time supporters of Jesus said, O Jesus the appointed messenger of community of Mariam! Is it possible for your Creator and Sustainer to manifest through us His program, constitution and law in reality? He said, be consistent with program, constitution and law of Allah for the benefit of mankind by deeds if you are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and the plan of Allah will become a reality.

This verse explains one of the basic purposes of revelation by Allah ie so that people learn and understand it properly and spread it widely among themselves to gain support of masses to come together as a community and work together for the well being of each other by complementing thoughts and actions of each other instead of opposing each other as enemies to undermine each other.

113) They said, we surely intend to participate in this program by our actions so that our minds are satisfied about it and we intend to make it evident for others that you have told us the truth so we will act as an example about it for others to see and do likewise.

This verse explains what followers of program of Allah are supposed to be doing. Slap after slap is being delivered to ignorant mullahs which is telling people what the real message of Allah is all about. It condemns rule of some people over others by any means whereby some people end up controlling others for their own use and in an abusive manner as if other people are lifeless things or beasts of burden.

114) Said then Jesus the appointed messenger of community of Mariam, O Allah our Creator and Sustainer! Reveal to us Your plan for our sustenance and let it be a repeatedly testable program for our first generation as well as the last as proof from Yourself, so grant us thereby our sustenance because You are unique of the Sustainers.

This verse takes us back to surah one wherein people are told by Allah to declare that they will not live by any other way of life than the one advised by Allah and that is they will seek sustenance through that way of life.

115) Allah said, I will reveal My plan for your sustenance in full for you the community but I will turn it into a reality for you only if you will work on it faithfully so if any of you the communities fails to fulfil its obligations then I will leave it to suffer the terrible consequences like of which have never been faced by any of the nations in the world.

The Quran repeatedly tells mankind that it is not up to Allah to do things beyond providing guidance for mankind. It is then entirely up to people to set themselves up as a properly organised and regulated human community. If they will fail to fulfil their responsibilities then plan of Allah will not become a reality and people will continue suffering the consequences of their thoughts and actions. Nowhere in the Quran tells people that if they will pray to Allah or praise Allah then all will be done for them. It is because praising Allah by word of mouth is unacceptable by Allah without needed works. Words of praise on their own only mean one is praising Allah falsely because if words of Allah were really worth anything in the mind of the person praising then that person will have acted upon them and gotten the promised results and that will have brought praises of his creator and sustainer on his lips from deep inside himself because his needs will have been fulfilled by doing things the way he was told. It is like you have a headache and you go to a doctor to seek advice and he gives you his advice that take two Paracetamol tablets and you will be alright. Now you instead of acting on the given advice keep suffering from the headache and keep praising the doctor, where is the sense in that? So even though the message of Allah has solutions for humanity for all its problems but book is not going to be of any use till people read it and understand it and then implement its program, constitution and law and make an appropriate effort in an a proper way for achieving the goals set in it for humanity.

116) But as the community became established due to success of the mission people became divided on basis of state and religion and took on baseless beliefs and rituals so Allah will asks Jesus the appointed messenger of the community of Mariam on the day of judgement, O Jesus the appointed messenger of Mariam, did you say to the people take me and my community as sovereigns authority instead of Allah? He will say, right of sovereignty only belongs to You! How could I say what I had no right to claim? If I have ever said any such thing, You will certainly be aware of it, because you are aware of what is in my mind but I am not able to be aware of what is in your mind, for You have full awareness of all things that I have no knowledge of.

117) I never said to them anything other than what You told me to say which was to serve program, constitution and law of Allah Who is my Creator and Sustainer as well as yours. I bore witness to them to this fact for as long as I remained among them but when You decided to bring my participation in the mission to a close, You were the One Who watched over them and Your awareness surely compasses all things.

118) If You let them suffer the consequences of their own actions then they are surely Your own creation but if You continuously avail them chance to protect themselves through Your revealed program, constitution and law then that too is up to You because You are surely mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of the universe.

119) Allah will say, let this be the day when the truthful benefit from their true commitment in their past lives to unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by their actions as was advised by Us. They will have blissful kingdoms as rewards throughout which flow rivers of livelihood to live therein for as long as they deserve. Set-up systems and law of Allah will be consistent with their actions and they will act consistent with set-up systems and laws of Allah. This is the end which will be a mighty fulfilment of plan of Allah and a mighty achievement of the mankind.

Truthful are people who put divine program to the test by carefully scrutinizing it for its workability and coming up with their plans of actions for themselves to implement it to see the results for themselves. There is no sense in declaring commitment to a program by words and doing nothing in practice to make it real by actions. These verses leave one in no doubt as to what Islam is really about. It is not a religion at all but a deen ie a practical way of life for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity. The Quran repeatedly tells people that people who acted upon this program got the results they were promised in this world, which proved the program true and that in turn proved its claim about its divine origin. The Quran makes it amply clear that it is up to mankind themselves to make their lives hell or heaven by properly understanding and properly following the divine program or not bothering at all. So people who are looking for easy answers through make beliefs and useless rituals or useless social, political and economic setups and practices are bound to painful suffering by their own wrong choices and actions. This verse also proves that there is a life after death and that people are will work for beautiful world in this life will be awarded such a life in hereafter for sure even if they do not see that life in this world themselves. A very powerful motivation for mankind to work for a beautiful world in here to qualify for an even better word in hereafter. There is no room for make beliefs and useless rituals in the Quran ie religion is declared invention of mullahs to harm and destroy humanity in people just so that rulers and money lenders could have things the way they would like to have them due to their ignorance based arrogance.

120) To Allah alone belongs sovereignty of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them because He alone has set-up systems and laws to govern all affairs relating all things.

Since Allah has set-up due measures for all things he has also advised mankind to live by his goals he set for them to accomplish and according to his provided guidelines. This is why it is of vital importance that people live with each other on basis of an agreed set of goals and guidelines provided by Allah therefore doing things for fulfilling all their needs according to program, constitution and law of Allah in order to ensure they complement efforts of each other in order to create a beautiful world for themselves and be awarded for their proper efforts in hereafter as well. To bring about a beautiful world is impossible without people fulfilling their constitutional and legal obligations to each other so that all get their God given rights as already explained. Failing that world will become more and more filled with divisions and rivalries which will only increase animosities, hatred and wars so world will become more and more dangerous place for mankind as time marches forward.


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